Most comprehensive nationwide consumer credit information available on more than 300,000,000 rental applicants.
Applicant's name and current address
Previous addresses
Employer's name, address, time frame
Previous employer's name, address, time frame
Alternate names
VantageScore 3.0
Bankruptcy, foreclosure, repossession
Payment amount and status
Open, balance, and last payment dates
Original amount and current balance
Creditor's name
Type and terms of the credit accounts
Account condition
Payment history (current or past due)
Account limit and highest balance
Open, balance, and last payment dates
Collections, charge-offs
Reporting court's name and number
Book and page number of record
Filing date, status change date
Amount and type of public record
Plaintiff's name
Compliance condition code
Get full account details, payment trends, and income-to-rent ratios— sourced from Experian and the applicant, delivered instantly.
Access the most comprehensive consumer credit information with data on over 300 million rental applicants nationwide, provided directly by Experian.
Go beyond the score and gain a clearer view of the tenant's financial stability with detailed account info, payment history, and Income-to-Rent ratio.
Tenants authorize the release of their credit reports electronically, with automatic identity verification to ensure secure and hassle-free processing.
Pay-as-you-go and decide who covers the fees, with complete transparency in pricing.
$17/per applicant
*Paid by applicant or landlord.
$40/per applicant
*Paid by applicant or landlord.
$54/per applicant
*Paid by applicant or landlord.
Most popular
$64/per applicant
*Paid by applicant or landlord.
Criminal Background Records
Custom URL and Applications
State-Compliant Data
Address History
Identity Verification
Full Credit Report
VantageScore 3.0
Eviction Records
Nationwide Eviction Database
Judgment Amount Details
Income Verification & Cash Flow Report
Payroll Deposits
Income & Expense Summary
Bank Account Balance
A few words from our clients
Get comprehensive credit data at your fingertips. Sign up now to make informed leasing decisions, risk-free.
Landlords review tenants' credit scores, payment history, outstanding debts, and any recent bankruptcies. These details help landlords assess whether a tenant can reliably pay rent and manage their finances.
To run a credit check on tenants through LeaseRunner, simply:
Once approved, we provide you with a comprehensive credit report, which includes their credit score, history, and any potential red flags.
When landlords run a credit check for apartment rentals, they’re looking for signs of financial responsibility to ensure you can reliably pay rent. Here’s what they typically focus on:
With LeaseRunner, the cost of credit checks, priced at $23 per applicant, can be paid by either the landlord or the tenant. Landlords have the flexibility to choose who covers the fee based on their preferences or local regulations. This ensures a smooth tenant screening process while providing clarity on payment responsibilities.
LeaseRunner uses Experian as the credit bureau for tenant screening, providing detailed credit reports. These reports include the VantageScore 3.0 credit score, along with information on addresses, employment (if available), and any liens, bankruptcies, or judgments.