Your Property Got Abandoned in Idaho

LeaseRunner Team

Feb 26, 2025

2 min read

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Property abandonment is the taboo topic of property management and being a landlord: nobody likes to talk about it or even think that it could happen to them. It’s very important to know, however, how to deal with property abandonment just in case it happens because there can be very strict regulations on dealing with an abandoned property. Luckily, Idaho does not have very many regulations regarding abandonment; the following regulations are what to follow:

Evidence of abandonment

A tenant’s abandonment may be evidenced by a) the return of keys, b) the substantial removal of the tenant’s personal property, c) notice by the tenant, d) the extended absence of the tenant while rent remains unpaid, or e) any evidence which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the tenant has permanently surrendered possession of the premises.

Figuring out damages

After abandonment, you, the landlord, should make reasonable effort to rent the premises at market rate. The previous agreement term is over early when either you a) start a new tenancy before the end of the previous agreement term (previous agreement term ends the date of the new tenancy), or b) you decide not to rent the property at market rate and accept the abandonment as a surrender of the premises, wherein the previous agreement term ends the date of you having received notice of abandonment.

Tenant’s personal property

Any personal property of the tenant left on the premises after abandonment is also considered abandoned, and you, the landlord, have the ability to dispose of all personal property in any manner you deem proper.

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